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    靳尚谊(1934—) 河南焦作人。中央美术学院院长,油画系教授、中国美术家协会主席,中国文联副主席,全国政协常委。1953年毕业于中央美术学院绘画系。1957年结业于马克西莫夫油画训练班,并留校在版画系教授素描课。1962年调入油画系第一画室任教。1977年油画作品《北国风光》为革命博物馆收藏;1980年作品《青春》、《雕塑家》、《思》在“油画研究会三届展”上展出,并被中国美术馆收藏;作品《探索》在“北京市油画展”上展出,获优秀作品二等奖;1981年作品《小提琴家》赴香港“中央美术学院教师作品展”展出,并被新加坡收藏家收藏;作品《画家黄永玉》在《光明日报》举办的专题性美展上展出,获优秀作品奖,为私人收藏;1982年作品《回忆》在美国康涅狄格州美展上展出,被美国私人收藏;1983年作品《鲁迅》、《塔吉克新娘》由中国美术馆收藏;1984年作品《瞿秋白》参加“第六届全国美展”,获银奖,并被中国美术馆收藏;1986年创作作品《孙中山》获全国最佳邮票设计第一名,由邮电部收藏;其间多次参加香港、日本、美国的多次展出。出版有《靳尚谊油画选集》(河南人民出版社出版),《靳尚谊肖像作品选》(天津人民出版社出版),《靳尚谊人体肖像》。

Jin Shangyi(1934—) Born in Henan Province. Graduated in 1953 from the Oil Paintings Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and continued his training at the Academy’s Oil Painting workshop in 1957. Currently professor and president of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He has participated in many national and international fine arts exhibitions. His work was awarded a silver medal at the Sixth National Exhibition of Fine Arts and was acquired by the National Art Museum and other museums. His paintings display strong personal style that is a typical representation of modern realism. His works have caught much attention from private collectors, but only some have been acquired by collectors from Singapore, Japan and Hong Kong.(Lot 65)


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