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贾又福  国际名人艺馆

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    贾又福,1942年生于河北省肃宁县,1960年考入中央美术学院,1965年毕业,师 承李可染先生,以中国北方太行山为创作基地,从事山水画创作以及美 术理论研究。现为中央美术学院教授、博士生导师。1992年获英国剑桥 世界名人传记中心授予的“世界名人二十世纪成就奖”。在北京荣 宝斋出版社出版《贾又福谈画篇》、天津美术出版社出版《贾又福山水教学体系 》、河北美术出版社出版《贾又福集:苦修集、怀乡集、观化集》。曾在中国美术馆举办《贾又福工 作室教学汇报展》、北京中国美术馆举办“贾又福工作室师生作品展”等。

Jia Youfu (Born 1942)
Jia Youfu is a native of Suning, Hebei. In 1965 he graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts where he studied painting under Li Keran (1907-1989). Then he taught at the Central Academy of Drama. In 1977 and onwards, he has visited the Taihang Mountains for artistic inspirations. He is particularly noted for his technical treatment of modulating ink tones and ink splashes. Together with his application of dense and spacious strokes, he achieves his unique style of interpenetration between realistic landscape and abstract forms. He is currently the Professor of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and an executive member of Chinese Artists' Association


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