

Sunrise of Huangshan

  Huangshan is known as “the number one rugged mountain of the world”, moreover, its sunrise is more remarkable as well. The painter, using rich inscriptions lines, depicts the magnificent sunrise of Huangshan. Under the shining sunlight above peaks, peaks covered with red or yellow robe stand closely with all sorts of gestures. If so, the mountains appear a bit thin and impetuous. The painter shows his own ingenuity with black mottling. It makes the mountain owning human’s temperament. By using dense black ink and creating stereo feeling, the painter shows Huangshan’s magnificence and peculiarity. It is not enough to show the majestic mountains. Although these mountains are strong and unyielding, the painting is lack of cleverness and vitality. In Nature, Yin and Yang are consistent or united. A Guest-Greeting Pine may add a bit gentle and lovely temperament. Above the picture, a group of birds are dancing and singing cheerfully. The lovely birds not only make picture more spiritual, but also coordinate the whole picture’s layout. Strong and soft, active and still are cleverly combined together. It shows the most essential nature, enabling life to dance freely between the heaven and the earth. All of these are brought about by the red sun. It endows peaks with masculinity and the Guest-Greeting Pine with gentle and lovely temperament. Getting a better view, the mountain looks like a stand-up man and the Guest-Greeting Pine looks like a dancing women. Human and nature are mixed together. The sunrise of Huangshan is so miraculous and amazing.

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