

Sun Illuminating Lotus

  It is a masterpiece combining the occidental and the oriental style, which incorporates oriental implicit beauty and western bold unrestrained power. The author helps enlarge people’s vision with green color which seems to be the author’s inexhaustible resource. In his painting, every piece of green is a surprise, a creation, and a kind of perfection. The bright green is vividly telling a touching story: This is a season when the sun is shining. Everything lazily indulges in the warm embrace of sunshine. A peaceful lotus pond gradually appears in the sunshine.
  Rough lines outline lotus and lotus leaf; Distorted and exaggerated molding creates beauty of the lotus pond in the sunshine; Bright colors play the lotus pond up with a flourishing scene in which the beauty of nature and vigorousness being showed in a panoramic view. At one time, “Lotus leaves are like green jade as far as one can see and lotus flowers under the sun are especially red”accurately interpreting the picture. Lotus leaves and branches criss-cross and spread like a green sea. People's mind with the green expansion drifts towards the endless distant location. Bright red lotus with tall, erect, and graceful demeanor leads to the sky. It shows the characteristic of lotus - being upright and never stooping to fawning or favoritism. It also shows its nature tenacious vitality and the positive spirits. A few birds hovering above lotus seem to be singing in the picture and add vitality and appeal to the entire picture.
  Work shows harmonious life, bright colors, and mild tone. Lines are straightforward and strong while the artistic conception is far-reaching. It reveals the profound implication of the lotus pond as well as the author’s optimistic and positive attitude about life.

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