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    王辉旗,字博文,号卧虎,甘肃高台人,毕业于西北师大,青年书法家,中国现代金文创始人,中国立体书法理论创始人。现为文化部中国文化艺术发展促进会会员、中国书法艺术研究院艺术委员会委员、世界华人艺术网艺术顾问世界文化艺术研究中心常务理事、政协委员、甘肃省政协书画研究会理事、江都市书画院名誉院长、新加坡新神州艺术院高级名誉院士、中国艺术品投资交易市场上市艺术家、中国硬笔书法协会A级会员、甘肃省书法家协会会员。书画界有“东方毕加索”之美誉。作品被国内多家拍卖公司拍卖。现正与北大方正电子有限公司合作开发“方正王辉旗体”(现代金文)电脑字库。Wang Huiqi,style Bowen,alias Wohu,nativeof Gansu Province.He graduated from the Northwest Normal University,the young calligrapher.Now he is the member of the Ministry of Culture and Arts Development Association,member of the China art of calligraphy Institute of Arts Committee,the CPPCC member,council member of the Gansu Provincial CPPCC calligraphy and painting,executive director of Cultural Ats Research Center,the honorary president of Jiangdu City Fine Art Center,senior honoary academician of Singapore New Chinese Arts Center,the listed artist of Chinese Art Market Investment Transactions,Alevel member of China Pen Calligraphy Association,member of calligrapher Association of Gansu Province.






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