

Han Meilin (Born 1936)
Born in 1936 in Shandong, Han Meilin graduated from the Central Institute of Arts and Crafts at age 24. He mainly employed figures and animals as subjects matter. The design of China International Airline's phoenix logo is one of Han's famous pieces, as well as the design of year of the Pig stamp in 1983, and four Panda stamps in 1985 for China's Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. He was selected as committee member of Chinese Artists' Association in 1979. One year later, Han began his solo exhibitions in 21 cities in the United States, including New York and Boston. He was given the key to the city of San Diego as an honorary citizen. Manhattan, New York, declared October 1, 1980 as "Han Meilin Day." During his stay in the United States, he was also invited to give lectures at Harvard and Yale University. In 1983, the United Nations selected six of his works as designs for Christmas cards. Since 1979, he held art exhibitions in various countries including Beijing, Hong Kong, Taipei, New York, Boston, Canada, Singapore, and France.

韩美林 年表:
1936年 生于山东济南。
1948年 考入济南市立第一中学,三个月即辍学参加革命,到烈士纪念塔委员会浮雕组当通讯员。
1950年 参加中国人民解放军第三野战军二十四军教导团。
1951年 调济南话剧团当演员,嗣后又到济南城根小学任教导员。
1955年 考入中央工艺美术学院,先后在工艺美术系、染织美术系学习。
1965年 下放淮南磁器厂劳动。
1978年 调入安徽美协从事专业美术创作,曾任安徽画院副院长等职。
1980年 在美国纽约、波士顿等21个城市举办个人画展。
1983年 猪生肖邮票、1985年的《熊猫票》等,花岗石铸铜《五龙钟塔》入选了第26届亚特兰大奥运会标志雕塑,韩美林还是北京申奥标志的设计者之一。
1989年 在台北举办画展。
1991年 在加拿大举办画展。
1992-1994年 分别在马来西亚、印度举办个展。
1999年 在中国美术馆举办“韩美林艺术展”,引起很大的轰动。


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